
Male Breast Reduction

Many men are self-conscious about extra fat and firm tissue that can form on the chest, creating the appearance of feminine breasts. Fortunately, this condition (known as gynecomastia) can be treated with a procedure sometimes referred to as “male breast reduction.”



**Individual results may vary from patient to patient**

If living with gynecomastia has you working hard to camouflage the appearance of your upper chest, choosing the clothing you wear very carefully and avoiding certain situations completely, take heart. Dr. Dean Kane can have you back in the gym and swimming pool with straightforward, low risk plastic surgery. Maryland men are invited to request a private consultation with Dr. Kane today.

Male Breast Reduction in Baltimore with Dr. Kane

Two variations of this procedure may be used, depending on your needs. If fat, skin and glandular tissue need to be removed, the procedure will be performed using a scalpel or scalpel-liposuction approach. For this procedure, the incision can usually be placed discreetly in the underarm area or around the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple). If only fatty tissue needs to be removed, the procedure can be done with liposuction alone, which entails a much smaller incision.

Gynecomastia patients experience some swelling and soreness that normally lasts for one to two weeks. Most people rest for a few days, then go back to work and start resuming light activities.

If you are interested in learning more about treatment for gynecomastia, contact the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa today at (410) 602-3322. Or request an appointment online with Dr. Kane. He looks forward to welcoming you to his office on Reservoir Circle in Baltimore, serving Delaware, the Eastern Shore and southern Pennsylvania as well as Maryland communities like Annapolis.

To find out about Breast Reduction in Maryland, call the Center for Cosmetic Surgery & MediSpa at (410) 602-3322 and ask for Lauri Kane. Schedule a Consultation Today